Monday, September 30, 2024


 In the one word film project, me and my partner had to create a 15 shot movie about one word we were assigned to. Once me and my partner got our word we got to work. During the brainstorming process me and my partner thought of what our mini movie will be about. Once we decided that, we had to figure out what shots, angles, and compositions to use. Since we weren't allowed to use dialogue we had to create the emotion throughout the various scenes. To edit we both used Imovie as we found it easier to edit on that platform. The shots and angles were done nicely but I wish we took more time figuring out what to base the movie on and we should have created a different idea that had more meaning and context.

Question #3 CCR script!

 Hey everyone welcome to my third script for the CCR! For my last two questions I'm going to make a podcast! It will be a black screen b...