Friday, October 18, 2024

Blog posting- Representationsarcrafice

     The 2004 film, The Notebook by Nick Cassavetes is a romantic drama portraying love, memory, and sacrifice.

     Throughout the film, it established various kinds of representation. For example, class disparity. Noah Calhoun, was a poor working-class country boy trying to make a living for himself while Allie Hamilton came from a wealthy family that had high expectations for her. The relationship between the two showed the tension between Allie following either her heart and genuine love for Noah or her parents' expectations as they wanted Allie to be with a nice acceptable upper classed man.

    Another way of representation used was by the age representation and gender. Throughout the film, it goes through several years showing the evolvement over time. This shows when the actors were old and they reflected on memories on their younger selves. There were gender differences between both characters as well. Noah was a hard working strong and very determined character while Allie was an emotional yet expressive girl.

    There were also cultural elements relating to representation because of the southern country culture while being in North Carolina. The film was set during the mid-20th century and there were hand written letters indicating the film was an early time film setting. The contrast between Noah and Allies lives really showed the theme about their personal desire.

Noah and Allie grown old
This is Noah and Allie as they grew old together and also developing dementia.
Noah and Allie as teenagers

This is Noah and Allie young and in love but looking closely by the appearance you can tell Allie is wealthy however Noah is not.

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