Tuesday, February 18, 2025

My character development process 👻

    This week I will be focusing on my characters and the mise-en-scene elements going into my film opening. I thought a lot about what the overall mood would be and I came up with sort of a dark type of mood since the film will take place at a crime scene. Below is the elements of the main character that will be starring in the opening.

    When developing my character I thought about who would be attending a crime scene and my conclusion was an FBI agent. I thought that a police would be too general so an FBI agent was the best fit for my liking. An FBI agent in my head would wear sort of like a black suit with sunglasses, an ear piece, and black/brown boots. I created a mood board using pictures that I have found online to give a better view on what I want my character to look like. For my main character I am going to have them dress up in a suit and I will buy a few accessories that match the FBI type, including a fake badge and an ear piece (if I can even find one online). These elements will help contribute to the overall mise-en-scene of the main character which will make the overall opening look way more realistic to viewers.


    When figuring out my character, I also brainstormed the name for my main character in case I add some last minute dialogue. I searched through a lot of different pictures containing lists of names for boys. In the end, I found the name "Brooks" and thought this was a nice agent name. This would be the last name of the character and most likely be called "Agent Brooks" within the film. FBI agents aren't typically gone by their first names which is where I found that this name would stick with my character. I am not planning to have many characters within my film however, I may have some background people to give the scene a realistic look because it would be kind of weird to have one person cleaning up a crime scene. These background characters wouldn't be talking directly in the shots but they can be talking amongst themselves in the back of the scenes, meaning they won't need direct names. (I may make names and give lines to these background characters if I want some more action within the film but it is unlikely).

Developing my character is a huge part in the process of creating my film. As soon as you understand the character and what you want to do with them, then everything kind of falls right into place. Since I knew I wanted to include a mysterious person (FBI Agent). I knew the plot would revolve around something also mysterious and suspenseful (crime scene). I will blog if I change anything or add any new main characters to the film within this week! 

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