Hey everyone! Today I will be making my fourth script AKA the last question for my CCR!
-How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?
Beginning from questions 3:
Danielle Greenbaum:
.............So within the different techniques of shots and angles I just discussed I think we should take a moment and talk about how everything came together. **sound effect** Well, it all started with blogger. **sound effect** We began using the blogger app to write about projects from class. This app helped me get comfortable and so when it came time for the Portfolio Project, I knew how to use it. As I was filming I had to use many different things to make my film happen. I used my iPhone camera to film along with lighting that came from the car and light poles. I also used bike lights which made the whole fake police car thing really come to life. My film would've been a little bland without it so I thank those lights for giving me...Light! These three examples were the main technologies integrated within my project lol and couldn't have been made without it. get it? cuz I used a camera? and you cant film without a camera? haha anyways after I filmed I edited using Premiere Pro which was the MOST CONFUSING THING EVER LOL but I got used to it!. Thank you thank you no need to congratulate me, but I learned how to color grade which helped with the most important plot scenes... the flashback scenes! All of these tools worked together to help me create the project that I will soon be submitting for the whole world to see **nail biting moment**.. I'm just joking! but I'll see you again soon for another episode of ...Creative Critical Reflection with Danielle Greenbaum!
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