Sunday, March 2, 2025

Shooting Process 🎥📸


    I just finished fully filming my opening!! (I'm giving myself a pat on the back). Wow. These past few weeks have been stressful yet so much fun. I got to do so many things that I didn't know I could do and I stepped out of my comfort zone so many times. This project has been so much fun and I'm so excited to see it after I edit. This blog post will revolve around the different shots I utilized and how I used them to develop meaning. I obviously won't be showing every shot I did but I wanted to share some of the ones I thought were pretty cool.

Shot #1:

    The first cool shot I did was through the car mirror facing my dad (the main character). I saw this shot in a sample project shown in class and it inspired me to add it into my film. This shot just added so much depth to the thriller genre as it establishes the existence of the main character. I also feel that the lighting in that scene added to the surrounding of the character, creating suspense for the viewers. This was the first shot I filmed that night and I absolutely loved how it came out. Overall This shot made me realize the creativity that is going into my film just from the first few shots/angles. 

(This is the amazing mirror shot I just explained!!)

Shot #2:
    The last shot I would like to share is an over the shoulder shot. Even though this shot is used a lot in films I feel that it added so much to mine. This shot cam out so nice and established part of the main plot in the film. The point of the POV shot was to see the name on the name tag (which was the object being picked up by FBI agent) to show the main characters reaction to realizing his friend was in the crime scene. Also, The friend of the FBI agent that is "dead" is actually just unconscious but had been pronounced dead. That if the cliffhanger being left off in the film. This shot showed the friends identity or specifically, their name. This shot really enhanced my film a lot and I am so happy with the way it turned out!


    Overall, these two shots were the ones that added the most meaning and were the most fun to create. This shooting process was the greatest and I am so excited to see the end of my project!

(fun picture of me filming!!)


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