From this point I have about a little over 7 weeks to create, edit, and finalize my portfolio project. Since there is so much to do in order to complete the project fully, I need to create a schedule that I can refer back to so I make sure to get everything done. I broke up what I need to do and brainstormed how long I think I will take to do each task I need to do. I made sure to leave a good amount of time to create and finish my CCR (creative critical reflection) so I can finish that in time to have a week for edits.
Time based schedule:
Week one: (1/29-2/2)
- First blog post discussing initial plans for project
- Second blog post discussing possible genres
- Think of the overall storyline
Week two: (2/3-2/9)
- Pick genre
- Brainstorm who will be playing my film
- Find out location best for my chosen genre
- Figure out the times when I can go and film at the locations I need.
- 4 blog postings about different films, credit sequences, and this timeline plus a blog from my choosing.
- Develop the characters looks (clothing/makeup)
- Develop script/storyboard. (Even though its two minutes long, I need to know what I would want to do throughout the whole film).
Week three: (2/10-2/16)
- Start my production
- Watch through and make any changes to the filming process
- Use valentines day to film at my chosen place since no one else will be there (it's my mothers office)
- Four blog postings about reflection from group meeting, research of media theories to include, my project idea fully summarized, and script/storyboard.
- Try to finalize production
Week four: (2/17-2/23)
- Begin to edit film
- Utilize foley or add any non-diegetic music in the film
- Four blog posts about the character I develop, two posts about the mise-en-scene being incorporated into my film, and a post about the audio and sounds being used.
- Start to finalize the editing process
- Four blog postings of my choice about production process.
Week six: (3/3-3/9)
- Review film opening after all edits have been made
- Four blog postings. One of my choice, two of the production practices, and one about my research for the creative critical reflection (CCR).
- Start CCR
Week seven: (3/10-3/16)
- Work on developing the CCR
- Another four blog postings. 3 about my research for the CCR questions and one discussing the CCR production ideas.
- fix any minor/major setbacks
Week eight: (3/17-3/25)
- Finish with time left to spare during this week
- Last four blog posts for the project -My production of CCR, my post production for the CCR, a final reflection on the whole project, and post links to the CCR.
- Safety week (make sure everything is done)
Summary: So, I will try and keep up with this schedule because it took me a lot of time to figure everything out and how long most things will take me to do. I like being creative and taking my time so I took that into consideration when saying how fast things will be done because I like to take my time to make sure everything comes out great! Hopefully all goes well and this timeline becomes a success.
Also, I wrote out a schedule on paper however, it isn't as in depth as the one here but I will show it anyways.
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