Sunday, February 9, 2025

Location, Lighting and color scouting 🤭


   Hello Cambridge! So, I have been trying to figure out where I want to film my opening and I've thought long and hard and came to the conclusion that I want to record in my moms office. My mom owns her building (she's a surgeon) So there are many long hallways within the building that could create a lot of suspense. For the film I'm trying to create, I researched some locations used in thriller movies to help me.

Film example:

     The Shining (1980) is the only film among many I researched that really stood out to me. This movie is about a writer that goes crazy from being so solitary. He took a job as a winter caretaker at a closed hotel. This job included isolation which he thought would help him to finish writing his book however it made everything worse. Jack needed to support his wife and child and he thought that the source of income would be his future book. Jack is originally the "good" guy in the film however turns into the antagonist soon after going mental. Jacks son Danny was a psychic that saw many horrifying things from both previous time and the coming times in the film. 

    The Shining (1980) was mostly filmed in the dark atmosphere of the hotel as there were many hallway shots with the lighting very unsettling. This helped me to further develop how I want to create my film. I want to make sure the lighting is mostly natural light and low-key lighting however that's just an idea so it may change depending on the time I am actually filming. The hotel was old as I could tell by the choosing of wallpaper and carpet. These elements gave the film the old fashioned look it has. Even though I'm not going for an old type of film, I gathered information about the colors and design I will use to make my film appear the year I want it to be. I want my film to give off recent but not too recent vibes meaning I would like to make it seem like it's set either in 2010-2015 or around 2020-2023. I am most likely going to be filming in dark long hallways or outside in the night light to give off the eeriness of the film. 

    Overall, this movie helped me come to the conclusion of what I wanted to choose for my location, lighting and coloration for my film opening. I will try to stick to this guide and look for further examples from thriller movies that can help me in the future when I start to film.

Resources: (n.d.-b). The shining. IMDb.

LitCharts. (n.d.). The shining summary.

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