Saturday, March 8, 2025

Continuing with Premiere Pro (color grading/suspense crafting)


    As I continue my editing process through Premiere, I wanted to do what's best to enhance suspense. I started to focus on the colors that were crafted into my film and how to create more of a suspenseful mood throughout.

Color grading:

    My film is shown to be dark and mostly desaturated coloring to make a more engaging atmosphere for my genre. I did this by ensuring I recording all of my clips at night with only minimal lighting. While editing these clips, I added some filters to make the scenes look even more dull than before. For the flashback scenes I almost made it in black and white (ALMOST) to make it known that this random scene is set in the past as for the other "flashback" of the character being alive and saying "help" I editing the coloring to make the make it look a little more real since this character is not dead. Getting the coloring right while editing is pretty tricky but I did look up some YouTube videos to help me out. This color grading video tutorial helped me out so much as it gave simple tips on how to color grade on Premiere Pro.

Suspense crafting:

    I think my film has great suspense already but I also believe it has potential to be way better as I continue to edit. I have been pacing some of my cuts to create tension but I also found out that spacing some clips away from each other with just black then going to a shot is also very suspenseful. I found this out by just playing with the buttons while editing to kind of get used to what I am looking at. Rapid cuts but also sometimes slower cuts enhance the films' scenes so much more than plain editing.

(As you can see here, the lighting is pretty dark for this film since I tried to angle it where the light wasn't beaming on the main character.)


    Editing the color was so much fun since I got to play around with many different filters that associate with my film genre. I probably scrolled through so many different filters until I would come across the one I really liked looking at. There isn't too much to say about suspense crafting in my film except that I made sure to add rapid cuts and slow cuts while watching over and editing my film. Since my editing process is concluding my next few blogs will be about the CCR so until next time!

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