Since I finally finished editing my film I have left a lot of time to research and plan my CCR. This blog will mainly be about the research, planning and going over my conventions/representation portion of the first question.
Q1: How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
For this question I started by breaking it down. First I looked up what the word "convention" referred to in this sense to understand clearly what the question was asking me. I found that conventions are specific elements going into the film. These elements include but are not limited to, props, themes, characters, mystery and suspense. These elements are made to define the genre chosen to create the film. Then I read over my notes which told me to discuss the genre conventions I chose. Well, I chose to surround my film with suspense and inanimate objects/props. I chose to challenge these genre conventions to show that my ways are unique and not the stereotypical way of using these conventions.
For example, FBI agents would usually just pick up an object and put it into an evidence bag, however I wanted to add a twist which is where those flashbacks come in, enhancing the thriller genre. Another example is the suspense since usually the suspense convention is created by fast or rapid cuts to stimulate tension but my twist is slower more spooky looking cuts. I think this teases the viewers instead of rushed fear. The one convention I didn't challenge was the characters because usually all of the FBI agents play a similar role in what their job is in films so I thought that it wasn't really challenged.
Website: Jan Sørup Jan Sørup is a indie filmmaker, Sørup, J., Jan Sørup is a indie filmmaker, & View all of Jan Sørup’s posts. (2024a, October 30). What are genre conventions? definition and examples from cinema. FilmDaft.
For the next part of the question it talks about HOW these conventions represent social groups or issues. For this portion of the question I also broke it down to make it easier to understand. The question is basically asking to refer to the choices made in how individuals, groups, events and issues are illustrated within a production. I had to research about this and find some examples to help me better understand and this is what I found. This website talked about how in thriller films there are always misdirection to make the audiences kind of flabbergasted.
Website: Representation – learn all you need to know here. – Learn all you need to know here. (n.d.).
Well for my film, the supernatural world within the flashbacks play a crucial role. Representation for this usually includes dead people being scary and unwelcoming however in my film the flashbacks of the "dead" people don't show if they are good or evil. This will allow the viewers to understand that there is something unresolved and these "dead" people are still full of mysteries. I made this choice because the film isn't entirely focused on these "dead" peoples lives, its more about the last person that isn't actually dead asking for help. This established the fact that you don't need to fully read into those characters. The last example I have to offer are the props. These props are the main point in the film since they are what makes the FBI see these "dead" people. Props like this are usually just used for the audience to see what kind of personality the "dead" person was before they died (like the lipstick in my film would usually represent that the women probably liked makeup). However, in my film I took a different route and made the objects reveal way more.
These conventions represent social groups or issues because they established how viewers recognized the overall meaning. this blog mainly focused on what I will talk about in my Q1 CCR and how much I will contribute into it. In my next blog I will discuss the next question for the CCR part of my Portfolio Project. See you soon!! :)
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